If you’re into milf dating, you probably already know that there are guys out there that just can’t avoid milf pussy. In other words, they have the exact problem as you. In your situation, pussy runs away from you. Regardless of how hard you try, regardless of what fancy clothes you put on, regardless of how much money you have, pussy just somehow, some way, doesn’t materialize.

Oftentimes, you wish you were like Mr. Spock in Star Trek and you have some sort of pussy teleporter. You just flip a switch and this hot milf pussy appears. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. And if you’re like the typical dude, you are struggling with banging pussy. Believe me, I can see where you’re coming from.
So if you’ve been struggling, here’s how you do it: spot real milf hunters. These guys know what they’re doing. These guys get pussy all the time. They bang milfs like these 24/7. If it weren’t for Viagra, these guys would be dead. That’s how much action they’re getting.

So figure out who these guys are, become their friends, and start seeking their advice on the down low. In other words, don’t be obvious about it. Don’t be like the Karate Kid asking Mr. Miyagi about his secret. You have to be subtle about it. You just tell him, “You know what, I’ve been having problems with free milf sites and milf dating in general, can you help me? Can you give me some tips?” or you can say, “can you tell me some stories?”
Just focus on those kinds of discussions and you’d be surprised as to how much gems and nuggets of wisdom they would share with you. The key here is to not make it obvious that you’re milking them for information. Be a friend first, and be a student later.
If you’re able to do this, then you increase the likelihood that these guys would give you the right information that would produce the right results with the right women. You may be struggling right now, but you’d be surprised to learn that it really is only a matter of hooking up with the right mentor. Think about it this way, if these guys can do it, so can you.